
“T” Adverbs Meaning and Usage in a Sentence | Unveil Now

t adverbs meaning

Adverbs that begin with the English Letter “T” and Their Meaning and usage in Sentences 

“T” Adverbs meaning and usage in a sentence are the essential part of speech that modify verbs, adjectives, or other adverbs, providing additional information about how, when, where, or to what extent an action or state is happening. They play a key role in conveying precise details and adding depth to our sentences. Let’s explore adverbs that begin with the English letter “T”, along with their meanings and example sentences, to understand their usage and versatility.

Adverbs that begin with letter “T”

Tensely – In a nervous, anxious, or tense manner.

Sentence: She waited tensely for the results of the exam, her heart pounding with anticipation.


Terribly – In a severe, extreme, or unpleasant manner.

Sentence: The storm hit the coast terribly, causing extensive damage and flooding.


Thankfully – In a grateful or appreciative manner.

Sentence: She smiled thankfully as her friend handed her the much-needed umbrella in the pouring rain.


Thoroughly – In a complete, comprehensive, or detailed manner.

Sentence: He examined the document thoroughly, making sure not to miss any important information.


Thoughtfully – In a considerate, reflective, or contemplative manner.

Sentence: She listened thoughtfully to his story, taking the time to understand his perspective.


Tightly – In a firm, secure, or close manner.

Sentence: She held onto the rope tightly, not wanting to let go while climbing the steep cliff.


Tomorrow – On or during the day following today.

Sentence: We have an important meeting tomorrow morning, so let’s prepare accordingly.


Tonight – On or during the current evening or night.

Sentence: They planned to go out for dinner and a movie tonight to celebrate their anniversary.


Too – In addition, also, or excessively.

Sentence: She ate too much dessert and ended up with a stomachache.

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Tremendously – In a very large, powerful, or impressive manner.

Sentence: The singer’s performance was tremendously, captivating the entire audience.


Truly – In a genuine, sincere, or truthful manner.

Sentence: He spoke truly from his heart, expressing his deepest feelings.


Truthfully – In an honest or candid manner.

Sentence: She admitted truthfully that she had made a mistake and apologized for it.


Typically – In a manner conforming to the usual or expected pattern.

Sentence: They typically go for a walk in the park every evening after dinner.


Twittingly – In a teasing or mocking manner.

Sentence: He smiled twittingly, poking fun at his friend’s funny mishap.


Twitchingly – In a twitchy or nervously jerky manner.

Sentence: The rabbit hopped twitchingly, always on alert for potential dangers.


Twitchily – In a fidgety or restlessly manner.

Sentence: He sat twitchily in his chair, unable to stay still for more than a few seconds.


Twistedly – In a distorted, distorted, or perverted manner.

Sentence: The villain grinned twistedly, reveling in his evil plans.


Twirlingly – In a spinning or rotating manner.

Sentence: The figure skater twirled twirlingly across the ice, executing graceful spins.


Twinklingly – In a sparkling, shining, or gleaming manner.

Sentence: The stars twinkled twinklingly in the night sky, creating a magical atmosphere.


Twice – Two times, on two occasions, or in a two-fold manner.

Sentence: She checked her watch twice to make sure she wasn’t running late.


Twangily – In a sharp, vibrating, or twanging manner.

Sentence: The guitar strings were plucked twangily, producing a distinctive country sound.


Tutorially – In a manner characteristic of or related to a tutorial.

Sentence: The teacher explained the concept tutorially, providing step-by-step instructions.


Turgidly – In a swollen, pompous, or excessively complex manner.

Sentence: The professor’s writing style was turgidly, making it difficult to understand his ideas.


Turbulently – In a chaotic, disorderly, or tumultuous manner.

Sentence: The waves crashed turbulently against the rocks during the storm.


Turbidly – In a cloudy, murky, or unclear manner.

Sentence: The water in the lake appeared turbidly, making it difficult to see beneath the surface.


Tunelessly – In a manner lacking melody, rhythm, or musicality.

Sentence: He hummed tunelessly while doing the household chores, not caring about his lack of singing ability.


Tunefully – In a melodious, harmonious, or musical manner.

Sentence: The birds chirped tunefully in the morning, creating a beautiful natural symphony.


Tumultuously – In a noisy, disorderly, or tumultuous manner.

Sentence: The crowd cheered tumultuously as the team scored the winning goal.


Tumidly – In a swollen, inflated, or pompous manner.

Sentence: He spoke tumidly, using grandiose language to impress his audience.


Tuggingly – In a pulling or tugging manner.

Sentence: The toddler held onto her mother’s hand tuggingly, not wanting to let go.

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Trustworthily – In a reliable, dependable, or trustworthy manner.

Sentence: He fulfilled his promises trustworthily, always keeping his word.


Trustingly – In a trusting, confident, or faithful manner.

Sentence: The child smiled trustingly at the kind stranger who helped her find her lost toy.


Trustily – In a secure, faithful, or steadfast manner.

Sentence: She relied trustily on her best friend for support and guidance.


Trustfully – In a trusting or confident manner.

Sentence: The patient looked at the doctor trustfully, believing in their expertise.


Truculently – In an aggressive, defiant, or belligerent manner.

Sentence: He spoke truculently, challenging anyone who dared to question his authority.


Truantly – In a truant or absent-minded manner.

Sentence: He wandered truantly through the streets, not caring about his responsibilities.


Troubledly – In a troubled, distressed, or worried manner.

Sentence: She sighed troubledly, her mind filled with concerns and uncertainties.


Tropically – In a manner characteristic of or related to the tropics.

Sentence: They enjoyed their vacation tropically, basking in the warm sun and exploring exotic beaches.


Trivially – In a trivial, unimportant, or insignificant manner.

Sentence: He dismissed the matter trivially, considering it of no consequence.


Triumphantly – In a victorious, proud, or exultant manner.

Sentence: She raised the trophy triumphantly, celebrating her hard-earned success.


Tritely – In a clichéd, overused, or unoriginal manner.

Sentence: The speech was filled with tritely phrases, lacking originality or freshness.


Tristfully – In a melancholic or wistful manner.

Sentence: She stared out the window tristfully, longing for the carefree days of her youth.


Trippingly – In a light, nimble, or graceful manner.

Sentence: The ballet dancer leaped trippingly across the stage, showcasing her elegant movements.


Trimly – In a neat, well-groomed, or well-proportioned manner.

Sentence: The garden was trimmed trimly, with each bush and flowerbed carefully maintained.


Trillingly – In a warbling, melodious, or trilling manner.

Sentence: The bird sang trillingly, filling the air with its sweet and enchanting song.


Trickily – In a deceitful, sly, or cunning manner.

Sentence: He smiled trickily, knowing he had successfully deceived them.


Triangularly – In a triangular or three-sided manner.

Sentence: The table was set triangularly, with each person sitting at one corner.


Trepidly – In a fearful, apprehensive, or timid manner.

Sentence: She walked trepidly through the dark forest, her heart racing with each rustle of leaves.


Trenchantly – In a sharp, incisive, or penetrating manner.

Sentence: The critic spoke trenchantly, offering insightful and cutting remarks about the play.


Tremulously – In a shaky, trembling, or quivering manner.

Sentence: She held the microphone tremulously, her nervousness evident in her voice.


Tremblingly – In a trembling or quivering manner.

Sentence: The scared child reached out tremblingly, seeking comfort from their parent.


Trebly – In a high-pitched or shrill manner.

Sentence: The violin played trebly, producing piercing notes that echoed through the hall.


Treatably – In a manner that can be treated or managed.

Sentence: The doctor assured her that her condition was treatably and would improve with medication.


Treasonously – In a treacherous or disloyal manner.

Sentence: The spy acted treasonously, betraying their country for personal gain.


Treasonably – In a manner characteristic of or related to treason.

Sentence: The rebels conspired treasonably against the government, seeking to overthrow it.

t adverbs meaning

Treacherously – In a deceitful, untrustworthy, or traitorous manner.

Sentence: He smiled treacherously, plotting to deceive his unsuspecting victim.


Traumatically – In a manner causing emotional or psychological trauma.

Sentence: The accident affected her traumatically, leaving her with long-lasting scars.


Trashily – In a vulgar, cheap, or tasteless manner.

Sentence: She dressed trashily, attracting attention for all the wrong reasons.


Transparently – In a clear, open, or easily understandable manner.

Sentence: The speaker explained the complex concept transparently, making it accessible to everyone.


Translucently – In a partially transparent or translucent manner.

Sentence: The curtains were made of translucently fabric, allowing soft light to filter through.


Transcendentally – In a spiritual, metaphysical, or transcendent manner.

Sentence: The monks meditated transcendentally, seeking enlightenment and spiritual awakening.


Tranquilly – In a calm, peaceful, or serene manner.

Sentence: She sat tranquilly by the lake, enjoying the soothing sound of the water.


Traitorously – In a treacherous or betraying manner.

Sentence: The double agent acted traitorously, leaking confidential information to the enemy.


Trailingly – In a trailing, lingering, or following manner.

Sentence: The scent of flowers trailed trailingly in the air as they walked through the garden.


Tragically – In a tragic or sorrowful manner.

Sentence: The news was tragically, leaving the community in mourning.


Traditionally – In a manner conforming to tradition or customs.

Sentence: They celebrated the holiday traditionally, with family gatherings and festive meals.


Toyingly – In a teasing or playful manner.

Sentence: He smiled toyingly, gently teasing his younger sister.


Toxically – In a harmful, poisonous, or damaging manner.

Sentence: The relationship had become toxically, filled with constant arguments and resentment.

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Townwards – Towards or in the direction of a town.

Sentence: They drove townwards, eager to explore the shops and attractions of the nearby town.


Townward – Towards or in the direction of a town.

Sentence: The bus traveled townward, carrying commuters from the suburbs to the city.


Toweringly – In a towering or imposing manner.

Sentence: The skyscrapers rose toweringly above the city, dominating the skyline.


Towards – In the direction of.

Sentence: He walked towards the exit, eager to leave the crowded room.


Toward – In the direction of.

Sentence: The ship sailed toward the distant horizon, disappearing gradually from view.


Toughly – In a resilient, strong, or determined manner.

Sentence: She tackled the challenging task toughly, refusing to give up.


Touchingly – In a moving, emotional, or poignant manner.

Sentence: The heartfelt speech touched the audience touchingly, bringing tears to their eyes.


Touchily – In a sensitive or easily offended manner.

Sentence: He responded touchily to any criticism, quickly becoming defensive.


Tortuously – In a twisting, winding, or convoluted manner.

Sentence: The path led tortuously through the dense forest, making it difficult to navigate.


Torturously – In a painful, agonizing, or torturous manner.

Sentence: The prisoner was interrogated torturously, enduring physical and psychological pain.


Torridly – In an extremely hot, passionate, or intense manner.

Sentence: They kissed torridly, lost in their overwhelming desire for each other.


Torpidly – In a sluggish, inactive, or lethargic manner.

Sentence: He moved torpidly, lacking energy or enthusiasm.


Topically – In a manner related to the current topic or subject.

Sentence: The speaker addressed the issue topically, discussing its relevance in today’s society.


Tonight – On or during the current evening or night.

Sentence: They planned to go out for dinner and a movie tonight to celebrate their anniversary.


Tongue-in-cheek – In a joking, ironic, or insincere manner.

Sentence: He made the remark tongue-in-cheek, intending it to be humorous rather than literal.


Tonelessly – In a flat, monotonous, or expressionless manner.

Sentence: She spoke tonelessly, lacking emotion or inflection in her voice.


Tolerantly – In a patient, understanding, or accepting manner.

Sentence: The teacher listened tolerantly to the student’s concerns, offering guidance and support.


Tightly – In a firm, secure, or close manner.

Sentence: She held onto the rope tightly, not wanting to let go while climbing the steep cliff.


Tidally – In a manner related to the tides.

Sentence: The beach was tidally, with the water receding and advancing with the ebb and flow.


Ticklishly – In a sensitive or easily tickled manner.

Sentence: He squirmed ticklishly as his friend playfully tickled him.


Threateningly – In a menacing, intimidating, or ominous manner.

Sentence: The stranger approached threateningly, causing her to feel uneasy and on guard.


Thoughtfully – In a considerate, reflective, or contemplative manner.

Sentence: She listened thoughtfully to his story, taking the time to understand his perspective.


Thoughtlessly – In a careless, inconsiderate, or absent-minded manner.

Sentence: He spoke thoughtlessly, not realizing the impact of his words on others.


Thoroughly – In a complete, comprehensive, or detailed manner.

Sentence: He examined the document thoroughly, making sure not to miss any important information.


Thirstily – In a eager or enthusiastic manner.

Sentence: The children ran thirstily towards the ice cream truck, excited for a cool treat.


Thirstily – In a manner related to thirst or desire for liquid.

Sentence: He drank thirstily from the water bottle after running a marathon.


Thinly – In a sparse, meager, or thinly spread manner.

Sentence: The fog hung thinly over the lake, creating an eerie atmosphere.


Thin-skinnedly – In a easily offended or sensitive manner.

Sentence: He reacted thin-skinnedly to any criticism, taking it personally.


Thinkingly – In a thoughtful or contemplative manner.

Sentence: She gazed thinkingly out the window, lost in deep reflection.


Thinkably – In a conceivable or possible manner.

Sentence: The scenario was thinkably, although unlikely, given the circumstances.


Thinkably – In a manner related to thinking or mental processes.

Sentence: He approached the problem thinkably, using logical reasoning and critical thinking.

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Thievishly – In a dishonest or stealing manner.

Sentence: The cat looked thievishly at the piece of fish on the counter, contemplating how to snatch it.


Thickly – In a dense, compact, or crowded manner.

Sentence: The fog hung thickly in the air, obscuring visibility.


Thickly – In a manner related to thickness or density.

Sentence: The paint was applied thickly, creating a rich and textured surface.


Thetically – In a manner related to a thesis or theory.

Sentence: The lecturer presented his ideas thetically, supporting them with evidence and arguments.


Theoretically – In a theoretical or speculative manner.

Sentence: Theoretically, the plan seemed foolproof, but practical challenges arose during implementation.


Theistically – In a manner related to theism or belief in a god or gods.

Sentence: The ceremony was conducted theistically, with prayers and rituals honoring the divine.


Theatrically – In a dramatic, exaggerated, or theatrical manner.

Sentence: He gestured theatrically, using grandiose movements to emphasize his point.


Thankfully – In a grateful, appreciative, or relieved manner.

Sentence: She smiled thankfully at her friend for helping her in a time of need.


Thaumaturgically – In a manner related to thaumaturgy or the performance of miracles.

Sentence: The magician performed thaumaturgically, captivating the audience with seemingly impossible tricks.


Texturelessly – In a manner lacking texture or tactile quality.

Sentence: The surface felt texturelessly, smooth and devoid of any roughness.


Testily – In an irritable, impatient, or short-tempered manner.

Sentence: He responded testily to the repeated questions, clearly annoyed.


Territorially – In a manner related to territory or territorial behavior.

Sentence: The dog growled territorially, defending its space from intruders.


Terribly – In a manner characterized by great severity, intensity, or extremity.

Sentence: The storm raged terribly, causing widespread damage and destruction.


Terribly – In a manner related to fear, distress, or suffering.

Sentence: She felt terribly, overwhelmed by sadness and grief.


Teasingly – In a playful, mocking, or teasing manner.

Sentence: He grinned teasingly, knowing how to push her buttons and get a reaction.


Tearfully – In a tearful or weeping manner.

Sentence: She spoke tearfully, her voice choked with emotion.


Tearingly – In a manner causing pain or tearing.

Sentence: The wind blew tearingly, making their eyes water and sting.


Tastelessly – In a vulgar, offensive, or lacking good taste manner.

Sentence: He joked tastelessly about a sensitive subject, causing discomfort among the listeners.


Tastefully – In a refined, aesthetically pleasing, or elegant manner.

Sentence: The room was decorated tastefully, with a harmonious blend of colors and textures.


Tartly – In a sharp, sarcastic, or acerbic manner.

Sentence: She replied tartly to his remark, not appreciating his sarcasm.


Tardily – In a slow, late, or delayed manner.

Sentence: He arrived tardily to the meeting, apologizing for his delay.


Tangentially – In a manner that is tangential or only loosely related.

Sentence: The conversation drifted tangentially, moving away from the main topic.


Tangibly – In a perceptible, noticeable, or tangible manner.

Sentence: The improvements in her health were tangibly, evident in her increased energy and vitality.


Tandemly – In a manner characterized by working together or in coordination.

Sentence: The two musicians played tandemly, their instruments complementing each other beautifully.


Tangily – In a tangy or sharp-tasting manner.

Sentence: The sauce was tangily, adding a burst of flavor to the dish.


Tandemly – In a manner related to a tandem or a two-person bicycle.

Sentence: They rode tandemly, pedaling in sync and enjoying the ride together.


Tandemly – In a manner related to a series of interconnected actions or events.

Sentence: The tasks were performed tandemly, each one depending on the successful completion of the previous one.


Tangly – In a manner characterized by tangles or knots.

Sentence: Her hair was tangly, and she had to carefully brush it to remove the knots.


Tangibly – In a way that can be touched or felt.

Sentence: The fabric felt tangibly soft against her skin.


Tangibly – In a way that can be understood or perceived clearly.

Sentence: The results of their hard work were tangibly visible in the success of the project.


Tangetically – In a manner related to tangents or digressions.

Sentence: The speaker spoke tangentially, deviating from the main topic and going off on tangents.


Tamely – In a calm, subdued, or unexciting manner.

Sentence: The party ended tamely, with guests leaving early and without much fanfare.


Talentedly – In a manner characterized by talent or skill.

Sentence: She performed the piece talentedly, showcasing her musical abilities.

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Tactfully – In a diplomatic, considerate, or sensitive manner.

Sentence: He addressed the issue tactfully, trying not to offend anyone’s feelings.


Tactically – In a strategic, planned, or calculated manner.

Sentence: The soldiers moved tactically, coordinating their movements to gain an advantage.


Tackily – In a cheap, tasteless, or gaudy manner.

Sentence: The decorations were arranged tackily, overwhelming the senses with bright colors and excessive glitter.


Tackily – In a manner related to tacks or pins.

Sentence: She pinned the fabric tackily, not caring about the neatness of the job.


Tachymetrically – In a manner related to tachymetry or the measurement of speed.

Sentence: The speed of the car was tachymetrically recorded, providing accurate data for analysis.


Tabularly – In a manner related to tables or tabulation.

Sentence: The information was presented tabularly, organized in a clear and structured format.


Tabooishly – In a manner related to taboos or forbidden practices.

Sentence: They discussed the subject tabooishly, aware of the social restrictions surrounding it.


Taal is a town in the Philippines.

Sentence: They visited Taal to explore its historic sites and cultural heritage.


Tables is the plural of table.

Sentence: The tables in the restaurant were beautifully set for the evening’s event.


Tabescently – In a manner related to tabescence or wasting away.

Sentence: The patient’s health declined tabescently, with a noticeable loss of weight and strength.


References for books and website links that can provide information on English adverbs:


  1. “English Adverbs: Functional and Diachronic Perspectives” by Laurel J. Brinton and Minoji Akimoto.
  2. “Adverbs and Adjectives: Syntax, Semantics, and Discourse” by Louise McNally and Christopher Kennedy.
  3. “Longman Student Grammar of Spoken and Written English” by Douglas Biber, Susan Conrad, and Geoffrey Leech.

Website Links:

  1. Purdue Online Writing Lab (OWL): Adverbs –
  2. Grammarly Blog: What Is an Adverb? –
  3. ThoughtCo: Adverb Definition and Examples in English –
  4. EnglishClub: Adverbs –
  5. FluentU: A Guide to English Adverbs and Their Types –

Written by ARZPAK

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