
High blood pressure; its implications on the human body

Understanding the Health Risks of High Blood Pressure

high blood pressure complications

High blood pressure is such a dangerous disease occupy the entire body of the human being.

It is very alarming that only a small number of patients with hypertension (high blood pressure) are benefiting positively from the correct and effective treatment. It is necessary that both the patient should be aware of this disease in order to get all possible protection from the multiple complications of the disease.

In addition to western countries, the rate of high blood pressure is also increasing day by day in Asia too. According to an estimate, 20 to 25 per cent of adults in developing countries are suffering from high blood pressure. 50% of people over 50 years of age suffer from this disease. The rise of this disease is due to the increasingly common western lifestyle among other reasons. It is no less ironic for patients with high blood pressure that they do not seem to have any complaints in the beginning. 70% of patients do not know that they have high blood pressure or it is detected incidentally during a medical examination.

Normal blood pressure

Blood circulation is essential for survival and it is necessary to keep blood circulating. It is the pressure of the blood pressure that keeps the blood circulating in every organ of the body according to its rules. The clear and oxygen-rich blood released from the lungs in the left side of the heart reaches the entire body through the aorta and thus provides continuous nourishment to every small and large part of the body. Stephen Hallo’s experiment in 1731 showed that blood must have a force behind it to keep it circulating. After further experiments, this force was termed blood pressure and its normal range and level were also determined.

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Two levels of blood pressure

1) Upper level (Systolic)

Blood pressure due to the contraction of the heart and the ejection of blood, the pressure on the large artery is recorded, it is called the upper blood pressure.

2) Diastolic blood pressure

When the heart returns to its normal position immediately after the contraction of the blood vessel, the blood pressure decreases because the outflow of blood is stopped.

The record is called low blood pressure.

Blood pressure range

How much blood pressure should be normal in an adult?

Determining the normal blood pressure range is very important for health and wellness. World Health Organization

(WHO) has defined normal upper and lower blood pressure limits for adults (male and female) as Upper blood pressure: 140mmHg or less Lower blood pressure: 90mmHg or less

What does high blood pressure mean?

Regardless of age, if the blood pressure exceeds its upper limit (140) and lower limit (90) on recording several times, it is called high blood pressure or (hypertension). A few per cent of people, and often the elderly, have high blood pressure above the normal range, but this is still considered high blood pressure.

However, it must be noted that the fluctuation of the normal level of blood pressure is closely related to age and is a functional relationship that is low in fifty-five, high in old age and moderate in youth. If high blood pressure becomes a permanent disease, it will affect the major organs of the body, i.e. the heart, due to its harmful effects.

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Causes severe damage to the brain, eyes and kidneys. The World Health Organization has divided hypertension into the following grades: high blood pressure class II above 179-160 class III above 180 class IV (only high blood pressure above 140

Types of high blood pressure

Blood Pressure Category Systolic Blood Pressure Diastolic Blood Pressure
Normal Less than 120 and Less than 80
High Blood Pressure (no other heart risk factors) 140 or higher or 90 or higher
High Blood Pressure (with other heart risk factors, according to some providers) 130 or higher or 80 or higher
Dangerously high blood pressure – seek medical care right away 180 or higher and 120 or higher

Causes of high blood pressure

Medical science has progressed a lot, but experts have not been able to agree on why this disease occurs. However, the progress that has been made in the discovery of genes (GENES) last year, may be able to correctly determine the causes and treatment of the disease. However, it has been known that a coordinated system within the body maintains the blood output from the heart and its pressure on the veins at a balanced level, but when the following factors disrupt this system, hypertension occurs. begins. Note that in 90% of patients with high blood pressure, there is no apparent cause, while the remaining 10% have known causes that are often treatable. There are other internal and external factors that increase blood pressure and it gradually becomes a disease. Below is their description:

high blood pressure complications

Smoking, emotional and emotional state, irritable mood, anger, religious thoughts and nervous tension, obesity, fatty body, overeating, excessive relaxation and lack of interest in exercise, excessive alcohol consumption, salt and salty foods. Excessive use of alcohol, hereditary and genetic disorders and diabetes are also major causes of blood pressure disorders.

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The idea that young people do not suffer from high blood pressure is not Correct. Arteriosclerosis, renal failure, renal artery stenosis, endocrine disorders, and birth control pills cause high blood pressure in young men.

An unbalanced diet that leads to obesity, fat body and fat accumulation, invites this disease. People who have diabetes and high uric acid also get skin problems. The proportion of high blood pressure in men and women is the same, but women tolerate relatively high blood pressure better, but after the age of 50, this advantage disappears and the possibility of getting the disease is worse than in men.

There are some well-documented causes of high blood pressure, although they only occur in about 10% of the population.

These causes are briefly mentioned below:

(1) Renal disorders and their various diseases

(2) Hormonal disorders and their excess such as cortisone given as medicine or endocrine disorders (3) Returned substances ( (adrenaline) increase,

(4) excess of aldosterone,

(5) adrenal gland disorders,

(6) various diseases of the kidney glands

(7) high blood pressure occurs if the kidneys are damaged by eating various drugs, e.g. Antacids, cocaine, phenacetin, paracetamol and aspirin etc.

(8) Contraceptive pills also cause hypertension in some women.

But there are some people in whom the signs and symptoms appear of fatigue from the beginning are headache, dizziness, irritability, nervousness, insomnia, forgetfulness, quick anger and sudden anger.

The third important and dangerous sign of high blood pressure is the hell of many complications in the body. This is a very dangerous situation because by this time the patient’s organs are already damaged and then there are painful complications such as stroke, heart attack, vision loss and kidney failure. The series begins. Complications and side effects of high blood pressure

Due to high blood pressure, the blood pressure is continuously high and if its treatment is neglected for a long time, then the veins of the heart, brain, kidneys and eyes etc. start narrowing and the blood supply to these organs (SUPPLY) ) is gradually affected to such an extent that strokes, heart attacks, vision loss, kidney disorders and other diseases occur. Adverse effects on the heart.

High blood pressure leads to various heart diseases such as congestive heart failure and heart failure, due to continuous unnecessary blood pressure and narrowing of the arteries, the size of the left side of the heart starts to increase and eventually The area becomes fat and thick, there is a complaint of swelling of the sinuses and swelling of the face, legs and feet.

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Due to the continuous unnecessary blood pressure, the blood vessels become hard and rough, thus the walls of these arteries become rough and irregular swellings are formed, which are called atherosclerosis. Various diseases arise from them.

Heart pain all over the heart, pain in the legs while walking and the effects of stroke on the brain etc.

The brain

Blood vessels in the brain can burst due to high blood pressure, blood clots can occur due to the hardening of the arteries in the veins, and both result in dangerous effects on the kidneys.

In high blood pressure, due to defects in the arteries and due to diseases of the kidneys themselves, there is a difference in the excretion of the renal system. The function of the kidneys is to remove waste and toxins to keep the blood clean. Due to malfunction in the kidneys, blood accumulates in the form of impurities, urine (UREA) and some acids, besides, albumin is released from the kidneys through urine. This disorder is called renal failure and the patient needs dialysis.

Adverse effects on eyes

When the very fine blood vessels of the eyes are affected, blood spots appear in them. Apart from this, swelling starts in the optic nerve of the eye, which causes changes in the optic disc, as a result of which the vision of the eye begins to lose gradually and the vision may even disappear.

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Malignant hypertension

This is the most dangerous level of Yashar on the highland. When the blood pressure starts to rise very rapidly and the lower blood pressure is more than 130 or 140, in this condition, the patient may experience weakness of vision, blackness in the eyes, headache, especially in the back of the head, physical weakness and There is a complaint of blood in the urine. If such a patient is not treated immediately, he may die due to kidney failure, heart failure or rupture of a cerebral artery.

Laboratory Tests for High Blood Pressure After a diagnosis of high blood pressure is made, some tests are initially done to help determine the extent of damage to the head organs caused by the high blood pressure and whether there is any definitive evidence. There is also a cause which can be fully treated. List their details

Below are:

(1) Detailed examination of urine

(2) Various blood tests

(3) Electrocardiogram (ECG)

(4) Chest X-ray

(5) Echocardiogram (ECHOCARDIOGRAM)

(6) Renal ultrasound and V.P.1

Treatment of high blood pressure

Keep in mind that in order to have the high blood pressure under complete control and to be protected from the complications mentioned above, it is important that the patient gets lifelong treatment. Before starting the medication, it is important to be careful and careful.

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Treatment and preventive measures without duality

Patients who do not exercise caution are deceiving themselves and committing suicide. It is important to follow the steps given in Eligible.

(1) Salt and high blood pressure are closely related. Every possible effort should be made to use very little or no salt in food.

(2) If the weight is high, appropriate changes in the diet should be made with the advice of the doctor. The consumption of meat, fat and sweets should be reduced in the diet, and the number of vegetables and fresh fruits should be increased.

(3) Smoking and alcohol consumption should be completely abandoned

(4) Time should be taken out from various activities for proper exercise and sports and should be included in the daily routine.

(5) Avoid stressful and emotional situations as much as possible.

(6) Diabetes and excess cholesterol should be brought under complete control.

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Drug treatment of high blood pressure

From the 1950s, the treatment of high blood pressure with drugs began to be regular. Since the treatment of this disease is life-long, therefore such medicines should be selected which do not have unpleasant effects on the patient’s health, the dosage of the medicine should not consist of multiple medicines and the side effects of the medicine should be minimal. Elderly patients should be treated with such simple and effective medicines that do not cause any disturbance in their daily life. It is better to choose a doctor who has experience in the treatment of these types of diseases, it is not without interest that the majority of patients do not take the medicine prescribed by the doctor due to some unpleasant side effects. The good news is that continuous use of high blood pressure drugs can lead to heart disease, stroke, and blindness.

Disclaimer: The content on this website is intended for informational purposes only and should not be taken as medical advice. Always consult with a qualified healthcare professional for personalized guidance regarding your health needs.

Written by Dr. Faraz A. Chundiwala

Dr. Faraz A. Chundiwala, a multifaceted professional, bridges the gap between healthcare, education, and marketing. His scientific background fuels his passion for empowering patients through clear communication and health education. Previously in education, Dr. Chundiwala fostered a love of STEM in students. Now, he leverages his marketing expertise to develop strategic healthcare and education brands.

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