
How to Be a Master of Action in Life | Bridge the Gap

be a master of action in life
Performance and action together

From Knowledge to Action

We all own a massive ‘knowledge zone’ equivalent to acres of land. Viewing the enormous size of this zone that we possess, we are surely considered ultra-rich. We are admired and appreciated when it comes to disclosing our ‘knowledge assets’, and people around us are impressed with the magnitude of our properties. How to be a master of action in life.

However, most of us are found to be living in a little, shabby, and tiny dark room when we unveil our ‘action zone’. People around us are instantly unimpressed, uninspired, and unmoved. They are no longer mesmerized by the size of our ‘knowledge zone’. You know why because your credibility is not based on your knowledge but on actions. 

Most of us, sleepwalking through life, are so immersed in the knowledge zone that we don’t have time to look into the action zone. Then comes a day when some inescapable incident triggers the need and forces you to visit your action zone. You feel shocked, ashamed, and even traumatized. The painful encounter with reality in the action zone makes you restless. It gets so difficult for you to digest that the king of the knowledge city was a plain beggar in the ‘action city’.

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Wouldn’t it be hurting to know that a millionaire in knowledge currency turns out to be bankrupt in action exchange? 

It reminds me of my physics class, where many students scored 100% in theory but didn’t perform well in the ‘practical’. And you know better than me that the overall result of those students was hard to take, and they failed in the subject as we fail in the subject of life. 

How to be a master of action in life
Photo by Haitham on Unsplash

This is precisely how most of us are in real life too. We know a lot but act very less. We are generous in knowledge but miser in acting on that knowledge. Regarding the knowledge, we seem to own a whole city. But we are almost homeless when it comes to putting into practice what we know. We are seen as highly wealthy, affluent, and prosperous for the size of our knowledge city. However, our action zone shows that we live below the poverty line. 

Your success in life rarely depends on how much you know, and it largely depends on how much you do. The size of your action zone should be bigger than the size of your knowledge zone. Your knowledge is rarely visible to others, but your actions always ‘speak louder’ and are noticed by others.

If you continue to expand your action zone, you will automatically create a new zone for yourself. I call it an ‘experience zone’, a combination of your knowledge and action. This new zone belongs to you because this is ‘your tested’ knowledge. 

For most of the people on this planet, knowing and doing have always been two banks of the same river. Therefore, a large majority fails to find a way of building a bridge between two important pillars of their life.

Knowing something doesn’t mean you will necessarily act upon it. There is a lot that we all know. But there is quite less that we act on. I can bet most of the stuff you read in this book may not be outside your ‘knowledge zone’. But is it already inside your ‘action zone’?

How to be a master of action in life

Success comes to those who gain knowledge, test this knowledge in their own ‘action lab’, and then create their own ‘experience’ zone based on the results. The secret to success is to have a constant supply of new knowledge. The stream should never stop; otherwise, you will be forced to act on the old understanding, which can give you only old results.

Since the environment around you is relentlessly changing, you need to take consistent action to try renewed knowledge in the lab. This requires the daily intensity to put whatever you know into practice. 

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You need to regularly update the ‘experience zone’ on the results and findings of your experiments in the action lab. Be generous in sharing your garden-fresh awareness, insights, wisdom, and experiences with the people around you to inspire and ignite them. When passing your knowledge to them, inspire them to test these renewed perceptions in their own ‘action lab’ and continue the sharing process.

Remember, you can use your knowledge currency to impress others, but only your actions exchange has the power to inspire. Knowledge is valued much in the school, but only your actions are valued in the marketplace. Knowledge will make you a scholar; steps will create a champion out of you. With knowledge, you can win minds, but with superior actions, you can win hearts. 

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Whichever zone you focus more on will expand. You will never succeed if your knowledge zone is refreshing and the action zone is depressing. Wake up before it is too late. You don’t have to live as a king of knowledge and a panhandler of action? Take action now to bridge your knowledge and actions and guarantee unprecedented success for yourself and your loved ones. 


  1. Are you letting your actions speak louder than your knowledge?
  2. Would you like to be remembered by your knowledge or by your actions?
  3. Do you feel refreshed in your knowledge city and suffocated in the action room?
  4. Which zone are you expanding more daily?
  5. Is your current routine persuading you to be a superstar of knowing and an extra in doing?

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  1. Gain lots of new knowledge every day.
  2. Activate your action lab to test knowledge, ideas, and perceptions for validity.
  3. Take big actions daily to turn your action room into an active city.
  4. Grow the size of your action zone to match the size of your knowledge zone.
  5. Show generosity by sharing your insights, awareness, and findings with others.
  6. Publish your findings in the ‘experience zone’ with an expiry date.

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If you didn’t take action on this knowledge right now, beware that your current routine is persuading you to be a king of knowing and a beggar of doing. 

Happy doing! 

Also read: Wake up! you need to Transition now Waiting is becoming a deadly option

Written by Qaiser Abbas

Qaiser Abbas is a globally recognized, Award-Winning Leadership Coach and is the author of nine bestselling books including his recent one ‘Made in Crises’, published by Hay House, USA. The book has also been nominated for the Business Book of the Year Award 2021. His 100% book proceeds support the education of underprivileged children.
Qaiser received the prestigious 'Brian Tracy International Excellence Award' and won ‘Asia’s Trainer of the Year Award 2017’. His clients include many Fortune 500 companies including Unilever, PepsiCo, Nestle, Total, Friesland Campina, Toyota, Coca-Cola, etc.


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  1. Knowledge is power. We have to overcome our fears and inhibitions and take the plunge if our knowledge is signalling us in the right direction.

  2. That is a well communicated and well expressed article. Knowledge is our strength and we should apply that strength in practical life and get ready to grow!

    • Nicely said! It’s not only about the knowledge but the ACTION!!!!!
      You can have all the knowledge but if you don’t take action… So what you do about it makes the difference.

  3. Literally! So many times we plan, but leave our plan on the table, I liked the way you compare between knowledge and action.

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