
Kitchen foods; an amazing source to avoid blood sugar

Nutrient-Rich Kitchen Staples for Blood Sugar Control


Astonishingly, 25% of people with type 2 diabetes do not know they have it, so it is important to make regular blood sugar check-ups.

As you know without good health, it is not easy to live a happy life. So if you maintain measuring your blood sugar on a regular basis and notice an increase, this is cause for concern. Diabetes seems like hell the disease that is proving to be the most deadly for humans in the present era. It is a disease that silently attacks the body’s internal organs like a termite and, if left untreated, can result in kidney failure, loss of vision, and a host of other health issues. Some kitchen recipe has amazing benefits for avoiding blood sugar.

Here is some foods recipe that helps bring blood sugar levels to a healthy level.


Seafood, including fish, contains a variety of proteins, healthy fats, vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants that can help control blood sugar levels. People normally get fish when buying groceries from supermarkets. It is also known as a superfood for blood sugar patients.

Protein is essential for blood sugar control as it slows down the rate of digestion after a meal and prevents a rapid rise in blood sugar levels while also increasing the feeling of fullness.

More protein helps prevent overeating and burn excess body fat, both of which are essential for healthy blood sugar levels. Consuming fatty fish is helpful in keeping blood sugar levels under control. A study on obese people found that eating 750 grams of fish per week significantly improved blood sugar levels after eating.



Sweet pumpkin and its seeds

Sweet pumpkin is high in fiber and antioxidants and is a good choice for preventing blood sugar spikes.

Pumpkin contains carbohydrates that have been shown to help regulate blood sugar, and in animal and human research reports, pumpkin extracts and saponins have been shown to significantly lower blood sugar levels.

However, there is a need for research on how eating pumpkins can be useful in terms of blood sugar.

Pumpkin seeds are also rich in healthy fats and proteins and are great for blood sugar control.

One study found that consuming 65 grams of seeds can reduce blood sugar levels after a meal by up to 35 percent.


Research reports have shown that eating nuts can be an effective means of regulating blood sugar levels.

A study of 25 people with type 2 diabetes found that eating small amounts of peanuts and almonds throughout the day reduced fasting and postprandial blood sugar levels.

Another study found that eating 56 grams of nuts per day significantly reduced fasting blood sugar and haemoglobin A1c, an indicator of long-term blood sugar control.


Did you know that okra is actually a fruit but most people think of it as a vegetable? It is rich in blood sugar-lowering ingredients like flavonoids and antioxidants.

In Turkey, okra seeds have long been used as a natural remedy for diabetes because of their ability to lower blood sugar levels.

Carbohydrates called polysaccharides present in okra are considered to be anti-diabetic compounds while the flavonoids and other components present in it also reduce blood sugar levels.

Animal research reports have shown it to be useful in lowering blood sugar, but not much work has been done on humans.


Flax seeds

Flax seeds are rich in fiber and healthy fats and are beneficial for health, especially for lowering blood sugar levels.

A study of 57 type 2 diabetes patients found that consuming 30 grams of flax seeds in 200 grams of yogurt daily significantly reduced haemoglobin A1c.

Similarly, an analysis of 25 research reports found that eating alfalfa seeds can significantly help control blood sugar.

Seeds and pulses

Seeds and pulses are rich in a variety of nutrients such as magnesium, fiber, and protein that are beneficial in lowering blood sugar levels. In particular, soluble fiber and resistant starch slow the digestion of food and may improve the blood sugar response after a meal.

A study on 12 women found that adding black gram or white gram to rice significantly reduced postprandial blood sugar levels. Other research reports have also shown that eating seeds and pulses are not only beneficial for blood sugar regulation but also protects against diabetes.

Basil seeds (Tukh Malanga)

Consuming the seeds can also help control blood sugar, with research reports finding a link between consuming these seeds and lowering blood sugar levels as well as improving insulin sensitivity.

A recent analysis of 17 animal research reports suggested that consumption of Tukh Malanga (Basil seeds) may help with insulin sensitivity and blood sugar control.


Various research reports have shown that eating berries are helpful in controlling blood sugar. Berries are rich in fiber, vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants and can be an excellent choice for preventing blood sugar problems.

Research reports have shown that strawberries, blueberries, and blackberries can be effective in controlling blood sugar as they are fruits that improve blood glucose clearance along with increasing insulin sensitivity.

Barley and barley husks

Including barley and barley bran in the diet can help improve blood sugar levels due to the high amount of soluble fiber they contain, which is effective in lowering blood sugar levels.

An analysis of 16 research reports found that consumption of barley significantly reduced hemoglobin A1c and fasting blood sugar levels.

A study of 10 people found that drinking 27 grams of barley husks mixed with water before eating white bread prevented a rapid rise in blood sugar after the meal.

Tart fruit

Although most of these fruits are quite sweet, according to medical science, eating them can reduce blood sugar levels.

Eating these fruits does not have the same effects on blood sugar that other fruits like watermelon and pineapple can have. Citrus fruits such as malt and grapefruit are rich in fiber while containing phytochemicals that have powerful anti-diabetic properties.

Eating these fruits improves insulin sensitivity, reduces hemoglobin A1c and protects against the risk of developing diabetes.



Eating yogurt can help regulate blood sugar.

A study found that consuming 150 grams of yogurt daily can improve insulin and blood sugar levels after a meal.


Eggs are a very nutritious food that is rich in protein, healthy fats, vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants. Some research reports have linked egg consumption to better blood sugar control. You can check out the kitchen to make any good recipes to help control your blood sugar.

A study of 42 obese adults with diabetes or prediabetes found that eating one egg a day significantly reduced fasting blood sugar levels by 4.4 percent, while insulin sensitivity improved. It also gets better.

Similarly, a 14-year study of more than 7,000 Koreans found that eating eggs 4 times a week could reduce the risk of diabetes by 40 percent.



Usually, apples are also made a part of any food recipe to avoid blood sugar. This fruit contains soluble fiber and phytochemicals, all of which help lower blood sugar levels and protect against diabetes.

A study of over 200,000 people found that eating certain fruits, such as blueberries, grapes, and apples, significantly reduced the risk of type 2 diabetes.

Finally, to have a better-maintained level of diabetes, it is crucial to consult with your medical practitioner for a diet plan.  This will help you to manage your diet plan on the basis of your past history, current medical laboratory reports and the physical need of the body.


The content on this website is intended for informational purposes only and should not be taken as medical advice. Always consult with a qualified healthcare professional for personalized guidance regarding your health needs.

Written by Dr. Evelyn Karen

Dr. Evelyn Karen is a highly regarded Internal Medicine Physician with over 20 years of experience in Manila. Dr. Karen is passionate about patient well-being and champions innovative practices, including integrative medicine, telemedicine, and community outreach.

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