
CBEC SIUT Concluded Two Day International Conference

International Scholars Gather at SIUT for Ethics Conference

cbec suit concluded two day international bioethical conference
Renowned Urdu poet Iftikhar Arif engaged in reading his poetry, highlighting his profound and emotive literary work.

CBEC SIUT concluded two day international conference titled “Warp and Woof of Human Morality.” The conference was held to commemorate the Centre’s 20th anniversary. The event featured prominent international and national speakers who spoke about different dimensions of human morality.

cbec suit concluded two day international bioethical conference
The Centre for Biomedical Ethics and Culture (CBEC) at SIUT marks its 20th anniversary with a special gathering of its team and eminent scholars of Urdu literature, including Iftikhar Arif, Zehra Nigah, and Harris Khalique, highlighting the intersection of cultural values and ethical discourse.

The first day of the conference included the inaugural session by Professor Farhat Moazam, Founding Chairperson of the Centre, followed by a keynote speech delivered online by Dr. Caesar Atuire, a distinguished scholar in Bioethics and Global Health from Ghana and resident of the International Association of Bioethics (IAB). The afternoon sessions focused on discussing the landscape for women in Pakistan through talks by Dr. Arfana Mallah (Jamshoro) and Dr. Fatima Hassan (Karachi).

cbec suit concluded two day international bioethical conference
Honoring the contributions of Ibn e Sina at the CBEC SIUT 20th Anniversary.

The talks on the second day included Dr. Paul Lombardo, a historian and bioethicist from the USA, on the Muslim philosopher and physician, Ibn-e-Sina. Dr. Syed Noman-ul-Haq of IBA discussed the story of Ḥayy ibn Yaqẓān by Muslim philosopher Ibn-Tufayl. Dr. Nauman Faizi from the School of Social Sciences and Humanities, LUMS, critiqued the dominant bioethical approaches and spoke about the ways to deal with the ‘wicked problem’ of uncertainty.

cbec suit concluded two day international bioethical conference
The Centre for Biomedical Ethics and Culture (CBEC) at SIUT marks its 20th anniversary with a special gathering of its team and eminent scholars of Urdu literature, including Iftikhar Arif, Zehra Nigah, and Harris Khalique, highlighting the intersection of cultural values and ethical discourse.

The conference concluded with an Urdu literary event discussing the deep connection between Urdu literature and human values. The panel included renowned poets Iftikhar Arif Sahib and Zehra Nigah Sahiba and was moderated by Harris Khalique Sahib, a well-known writer and poet.

cbec suit concluded two day international bioethical conference
An audience fully engaged and attentive, listening intently to the speakers at a conference or presentation.

Written by M Manwar Zia

He has extensive expertise in strategic marketing and business development, backed by over two decades of leadership in top-tier multinational organizations. His track record includes successful implementation of marketing best practices, alignment with organizational objectives, and leading high-performing teams. Additionally, Manawar hold ISO certifications and have received academic awards in fields such as marketing management, organizational behavior, and socio-economic studies.

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